-Recipe for 11 waffles
Waffles dough:
20 g Fresh yeast
87,5g Half fat milk
250g Flour T55
50g Whole eggs
19 g Invert sugar or honey
1 Vanilla bean “Epices milles saveurs”
3,5g Salt
100g Melted butter
175g Rock sugar
Total weigh: 942g
Unfolding of the recipe:
-Mix the yeast with the milk.
In a mixer, using a hook, knead together the flour, eggs, invert sugar, scraped vanilla pod, salt and milk + yeast mixture.
Knead in first speed, then in second speed, before adding the 43 g of butter.
Let proof 15 min covered.
Add the rock sugar(previously mixed with the melted butter) and mix in first speed .
Let proof 30 min, divide into 65g pieces, let stand in the refrigerator 30 min, shape in balls and cook in a warm waffle iron.
Feel free to replicate the recipe, and share it on your social networks by tagging @sweetsconsulting.off with the hashtag #lifeissweet .
I also put a link to the site that sells this beautiful vanilla from Madagascar: https://epices-millesaveurs.fr/